Wednesday 28 March 2012

Fun with video editing

For the first couple years of our marriage my husband was in charge of creating all our home movies. I always took the pictures and since he took the video footage and knew how to work the program, he did all the editing.

He never really enjoyed the editing aspect of it and encouraged me to try it. With a little help from him I have picked up the basics and have now made 3 all by myself! First one I did was of my mom and I's trip to New York City last year (its posted on my family website.) A few months back I completed one of Noahs first month of life (also on the website.) And yesterday I completed our Disneyland video! I have actually had alot of fun doing it! Its fun adding music and trimming down video clips and picking pictures. But it is incredibly time consuming and I always need good hour or two chunks of time to work on it.

I am considering posting my Disneyland video on here if people are interested in seeing it - but it is like 16 minutes long. So let me know :)

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